The Science


90% of brain development occurs in the first 5 years of life. Children are developing language, social, cognitive, and motor skills simultaneously, forming a network of integrated ability that enables efficient information processing. Brain networks are shaped by the interaction between a child’s brain, body and environment. Children’s experiences matter. Think of brain development as a construction project: neuroconstructivism. Children have the job of constructing meaning from what they experience. We have the job of giving them the tools to construct meaning effectively and efficiently, and in a way that they love!

Bundle of Learning books, story-related toys, and educational materials are specially designed to help children discover meaning in stories and through play. All of the products are based on findings from developmental science research by the founder, Dr. Landa, and other experts. 

We bundle together books and strategically selected toys that engage children’s active involvement in story time and play. The books are not ‘just another book’! The vocabulary, sentence structures, story plots, characters, and themes are specially designed to promote language, social, and cognitive development – the foundations of literacy. Everything is designed to enable children at different developmental stages to learn.  There are countless ways to use Bundle of Learning materials and they grow with your child. 


Engaging Play

Bundle of Learning combines books with curated toys to spark children’s active play as they bring the story to life. This helps children develop a deeper understanding of the story and re-create or extend the story in playtime. Imagination grows, and so does complexity of play skills.


Bundle of Learning materials promote all aspects of language development. The book vocabulary and sentence structure present a range of language complexity allowing accessibility to a variety of developmental stages. As you read and talk about the story, you provide children with practice sharing their own ideas, having conversations, and building more complex language skills.

Social Skills

Bundle of Learning promotes a variety of social skills. The imitation tips in the books help children pay closer attention to the actions and emotions of others, and synchronize with them. The characters’ clear facial expressions demonstrate a range of emotions, helping children gain insights into their own emotions and develop perspective-taking skills. The multiples of toys in the bundles promote social sharing and turn-taking skills. And so much more!

Helpful Tip Icons

The books provide you with a “playbook” to help you talk and play in meaningful and fun ways with your child. Throughout the books, the Play, Language, and Imitation and Gesture Tips help you to create and expand learning opportunities. The story-related props in each bundle enable children to bring stories to life. This gives them a meaningful, engaging, early literacy experience.  Everything is user-friendly for you and fun for children. 



These tips help you spotlight story events and vocabulary. To help your child’s concept and vocabulary development, make the suggested gesture and wait for your child to imitate.



These tips help your child learn new words, combine words in new ways, and think and talk about the story. As your child becomes more familiar with the story, offer more chances for them to talk.



Use these tips to help your child learn more complex play skills and gain practice turning their ideas into words and actions.